Miyajima Souta |
Development of thermal vacuum chamber for 3U-CubeSat using Peltier devices |
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Kyutech master's course |
Matsui Tasuku |
Development of Autonomous Visual Inspection and Report Generation System for Vibration Test of CubeSat |
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Hatakeyama Yuki |
Improving the Efficiency of CubeSat Vibration Tests Development of test POD and measurement of natural frequency of nano-satellite using impulse hammer |
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Kyutech master's course |
Hidaka Hiroto |
Thermal design of LEOPARD, an orbit determination technology demonstration satellite for lunar exploration |
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Kyutech master's course |
Kato Natsuko |
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Hojo Rikuto |
Threshold Measurement to Construct the Discharge Threshold Database for Materials for Space Use |
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Kyutech master's course |
Konaka Miu |
Study on performance comparison and operating principle analysis of satellite antistatic electron emitter films for practical application |
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Kyutech master's course |
Nishioka Kazuki |
A Study on Low Voltage Igniter Discharge Circuit of Surface Arc Thruster |
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Kyutech master's course |
Tsukamoto Kotaro |
Observation of Particles in Regolith Charged Levitation |
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Teshima Kenjiro |
電子線照射による炭素繊維複合材料の機械特性変化評価のための引張試験の高度化と放射線劣化原因究明のための炭素繊維直径測定装置の改良 |
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Kyutech master's course |
Orita Zen |
Reexamination of Load Carrying Capacity Estimation of Optical Glass and Dose Estimation by Orbital Radiation Environment |
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Makifuti Yu |
アウトガス試験における水分収着の影響評価のための卓上恒温恒湿環境の構築と真空加熱チャンバーによる脱湿試験環境の改善 |
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Kyutech master's course |
Akiyama Sosuke |
Characteristics of monolayers of thermo-sensitive paints for thermal control of satellites and variation of thermo-optical properties with substrate and film thickness |
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Kyutech master's course |
Iwata Tokimune |
質的同一性に指向した地上加速試験方法論確立のための中間活性種による経時変化挙動の再評価と不活性雰囲気における電子線照射 |
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